Poetry Friday: Student Odes

IMG_1077Thank you Robyn at Life on the Deckle Edge for hosting Poetry Friday today.

My Poetry Rocks’ group worked on odes this week in response to the challenge at Today’s Little Ditty.  We started by reading some of the odes already on the March 2017 Padlet.

We wrote the group ode.

Ode to Recess

Children playing on swings
Children laughing with joy
Orange bark chips not good to eat
Friends playing together
Kids screaming with joy
The wind blowing
Children singing
Feel freedom feel the wind blowing
The smooth-rough play structure
Sad because no one plays with me
Taste the raindrops falling from the sky
Taste the wind blowing on my face
I wonder why kids are so loud
If it could be more fun
Because kids are having fun

~Poetry Rocks’ Kids

Finally, they wrote their own.

Ode to Summer

The sun shining
The wind blowing
The grass under my feet
The popsicles melting in my mouth
I wonder how long the summer is going to last
It does last kind of long

Marcella C., Grade 3

Ode to Unicorns

I see unicorns every day
I hear unicorns singing
I feel rainbows in my heart
I taste rainbows
I wonder if I could really see unicorns
And unicorns are not real

Italy M., Grade 1

Ode to Anything

I see people running
I hear the wind blowing
I feel the wind blowing in my face
I taste mint
I wonder what is

Charlie K., Grade 1

Ode to Candy

Crinkles of the wrapper
The candy melting in my mouth
A wonderful taste of caramel
I wonder what other candy tastes like
It does taste magical

Angel B., Grade 3

Ode to Logs

Logs in the woods
I hear them molding
I feel the hardness of the wood
I taste the bugs in the wood
I wonder what bugs are in the wood
I know they are spiders.

Ella K., Grade 2

Ode to Slime

My hands play with your substance
The pop of your bubbles
Your creamy texture
Taste of a grape laffy-taffy
I wonder if you are a waste
No, you’re great

Haylie S., Grade 4

Ode to a Cat

A fur ball big and fat
A meow there at the door
The fur  in my fingers
What would it be like to be a cat?
It would be wild

Taylor D., Grade 2

Ode to Spring

Flowers blowing in the wind
Quietness everywhere
I feel at home where it feels nice
I taste the wind in the air
I wonder how it is so beautiful
Because of the world

Bentley C., Grade 2

Ode to Poetry

Children listening to poetry
Children singing poetry
Happy about singing poetry
I wonder if poetry could be magic
It is magic because you can sing poetry at home
And at Poetry Rocks

Eliza P., Grade 2

Ode to Candy

I see chocolate
I hear a drumroll
I feel rock candy
I taste gummy bears
I wonder where it comes from

Kruz G., Grade 1

Ode to Computers

I see letters and numbers
I hear typing
I feel the keyboard
I taste the fresh air
I wonder if new games could be made
It should

Macy M., Grade 2

Ode to a Fairy

I see really fast flapping wings
I hear lots of chattering teeth
I feel little feet walking across my hand
I taste the wind of fairy’s wings
I wonder why you’re so small
Because you don’t want a lot of people around you.

Lilly P., Grade 2

Ode to Recess

Kids playing with friends
Balls bouncing
I feel happy at recess
I taste candy
I wonder if school could go on in summer
It does not

Dakota R., Grade 2

Ode to Candy

I see rainbows
I hear voices
I feel sticky
I taste sweetness
Why is candy so sweet?
To make it so sweet it’s good for people

Piper C., Grade 2


Ode to a Boa Constrictor

I see scales
I hear “SSSSS”
I feel scared
How can snakes move without legs
Read books about snakes

Nevaeh S., Grade 3

Ode to Dogs

Green fur
Soft barking
I feel softness
Lots of love
I wonder why dogs are so funny
Because they don’t know any better

Jazzlynn S., Grade 3

Ode to Flowers

I see your pretty petals
I hear you blowing in the wind
I feel your soft pretty petals
I smell your beautiful taste of wind
I wonder if I could eat a flower
Somebody, please create it!

Avery W., Grade 2

Ode to Poetry

I see kids listening to poetry
I hear the poetry kids listening to the speaker
I feel poetry on my arm
I taste poetry in my mouth
I wonder why poetry is so fun
Poetry is so great

Taryn E., Grade 2

Ode to Spring

Your sunset at night
The wind blowing
The sunset shining
Taste the wonderful season
I wonder if rainbows can shine everyday
Spring is fun anyway

Lauren A., Grade 2

Ode to Candy

I see colors and candy
I hear hands sliding down the glass gumball machine
My eyes getting big at the sight of sweet candy
I taste the clean cut sweet and
I wonder if anything can be better than watching TV
and eating stretchy taffy

Ashlynn M., Grade 3

Ode to Cheating

The other person’s paper
I hear the class tattle telling the teacher
I feel I’m going to the principal’s office later today
Taste the victory of cheating
I wonder why I cheat
I don’t know yet

Haylie S., Grade 4

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14 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Student Odes

  1. Ode to Jone.

    I sense Jone is a great teacher.
    I can hear it in her posts.
    I can read it in her students’ odes.
    Their words about candy, computers, unicorns, poetry and much more
    touch my heart.
    What makes this teacher so sensitive?
    Poetry. It is poetry that makes her so good.

    Jone, there is so much to wrap my heart around here.
    Please tell your poets they are onto something sooooo good.
    And of course, the poetry odes are naturally going to have us all swooning.

    Happy weekend,


  2. Jone, these are wonderful. You are an inspiration. Please tell your young poets that I enjoyed reading their odes.

  3. Well, I see where your group gets its name… this poetry rocks big time! Lots of thinking here, lots of noticing, lots of imagining. Rock on, Poetry Rocks! Thanks to all of you for making the world more beautiful with your words!

  4. Singing with poetry like Eliza. What wonderful odes! Full of the senses. Great mentors for my own students. Thanks!

  5. I suspect that these students remember these, will be writing odes to many things in their future. I love the variety of topics!

  6. Wow, these poems are amazing! I agree with Jan. Your students’ poems have hooked me. It feels like I’m there listening, tasting and feeling with them. They have brought back childhood memories and feelings. Thank you and please thank your students for these gifts.

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